A behind-the-scenes look into our latest commercial and a tutorial on how to do the aging effect using Faceapp, Ebsynth, and After Effects. ► Learn about other aging techniques: http://bit.ly/AgingEffect Check out EBsynth – https://ebsynth.com/ Tutorial by: Artlist is a music licensing platform for filmmakers worldwide. We offer an annual subscription for our customers to… Continue reading Deep Fake Aging Effects
Category: Final Project
Microaggression Theory: Influence and Implications
Gina C. Torino (Editor), David P. Rivera (Editor), Christina M. Capodilupo (Editor), Kevin L. Nadal (Editor), Derald Wing Sue (Editor) https://www.wiley.com/en-gb/Microaggression+Theory%3A+Influence+and+Implications-p-9781119466642 p.13 What can educational institutions do to address microaggressions on campus? Providing a range of educative offerings that allow for the exploration of microaggression experience on campus from both an intellectual and emotional point of view will strengthen… Continue reading Microaggression Theory: Influence and Implications
Bell Hooks – Engaged Pedagogy
Bell Hooks is known for her feminist thought and interesting work on pedagogy as an art. Here is a passage from her well known work where she shares with her readers her passion for the field of education and why she cannot remain a distant and aloof teacher. In this book, the author shares her… Continue reading Bell Hooks – Engaged Pedagogy
Theatre of the Oppressed
“The purpose of Theatre of the Oppressed is to rehumanize humanity.” — Augusto Boal Theatre of the Oppressed What is Theatre of the Oppressed? As created by Brazilian theatre visionary and Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Augusto Boal (1931-2009), Theatre of the Oppressed (T.O.) is a form of popular community-based education that uses theater as a tool… Continue reading Theatre of the Oppressed
Verbatim Theatre
Theatre that incorporates the words of real people Verbatim theatre, as Will Hammond and Dan Steward point out in their excellent book on the subject, is not a form but a technique: a way of incorporating the words of real people, as spoken in private interview or public record, into drama. more here: https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2012/may/08/michael-billington-verbatim-theatre
Audre Lorde
1934–1992 https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/audre-lorde A self-described “black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet,” Audre Lorde dedicated both her life and her creative talent to confronting and addressing injustices of racism, sexism, classism, and homophobia. Lorde was born in New York City to West Indian immigrant parents. She attended Catholic schools before graduating from Hunter High School and published her… Continue reading Audre Lorde
SonicActs: AI as an Act of Thought — Dr. Ramon Amaro
An increasingly large proportion of human reality is now lived through algorithms. While our relationship with AI is undoubtedly important as a mode of knowledge production, it has far-reaching implications. Most significant is the disparity between the act of existing/existence – particularly as it relates to differential human states of being (race, gender, sexuality, etc.)… Continue reading SonicActs: AI as an Act of Thought — Dr. Ramon Amaro
Pedagogy of the Oppressed — Paulo Freire
Pedagogy of the Oppressed First published in Portuguese in 1968, Pedagogy of the Oppressed was translated and published in English in 1970. The methodology of the late Paulo Freire has helped to empower countless impoverished and illiterate people throughout the world. Freire’s work has taken on especial urgency in the United States and Western Europe,… Continue reading Pedagogy of the Oppressed — Paulo Freire
Design Justice | Community-Led Practices to Build the Worlds We Need — Sasha Costanza-Chock
Design Justice Community-Led Practices to Build the Worlds We Need By Sasha Costanza-Chock – https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/design-justice An exploration of how design might be led by marginalized communities, dismantle structural inequality, and advance collective liberation and ecological survival. Summary An exploration of how design might be led by marginalized communities, dismantle structural inequality, and advance collective liberation and… Continue reading Design Justice | Community-Led Practices to Build the Worlds We Need — Sasha Costanza-Chock
Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code — Ruha Benjamin
https://www.ruhabenjamin.com/race-after-technology From everyday apps to complex algorithms, Ruha Benjamin cuts through tech-industry hype to understand how emerging technologies can reinforce White supremacy and deepen social inequity. Benjamin argues that automation, far from being a sinister story of racist programmers scheming on the dark web, has the potential to hide, speed up, and deepen discrimination while… Continue reading Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code — Ruha Benjamin